WebLoader (~ WebClient) *NEW*

WebLoader is multithreadable Framework for testing/measuring Web-Applications in terms of Performance and their behaviour under Load.
-- DOWNLOAD LATEST BUILD [@15.08.2011] --.

The measuring capabilities consist out of tracking following data for each Web-Request (HTTP/S):
This measured data tracked aggregated in logfiles enables analyses of the performance and stability of the tested Web-Application.

The WebLoader-Framework is based on the WebClient Tooling-Library through loader-files (see: WebLoader Syntax and usage), which is designed to automate access to Web-Applications and track several corresponding data.
The WebClient mainly interprets so-called command-files written in its own Scripting-Language: "Web-Command-Language" (WCL).

As you can see (here: WebClient Syntax and usage) the used scripting-language is quite powerful and easy-to-use to automate almost anything:
You can read/retrieve/get pages, read/manipulate/set cookies, log/store interessting values/data in variables/files, group/separate commands in its own task, include another command-file, reuse/transform stored values and much more.

The following figure visualizes the relationship between the two different components (WebLoader, WebClient) and their individual subjects:

Apart from this scripting capabilities you surely can use the API directly from an application.
The easy-to-use JavaDoc is included in the downloadable container-file (.zip) itself.